4 Steps to a Better Life and a Better Business

Achieve What You Never Thought Possible

A business is simply an organization created to carry out the dreams and ideas of the entrepreneur who begins it. Everything good and everything bad about a business is a result of the leader’s perspective and actions. Everything rises and falls upon a leader. For a business to be healthy, balanced, and growing… the leader […]

#2: Discover Your Mission

And Get Busy Living

In the business world, we hear a lot about purpose statements and mission statements. The intention behind a mission statement is to create a meaningful and memorable phrase that summarizes the foundational ideals, core beliefs, or initiatives of the company. But these statements are more than just a phrase. When taken to heart, these statements […]

#1: The 3 Components for a Sustainable and Fulfilling Career

You'll make more money, build a better team and never burn out

So here is how it was for me.  I began my first business for one main reason, money!  At the time it never crossed my mind that there should be anything more than that, I mean why else would you work so hard, sacrifice so much time and take such risks unless for the money, […]