How To Be Engaged at Home When You are Stressed at Work

8 Strategies for Being Present With Your Family When You Get Home

It’s 5:00 and it’s been a day. You’ve put out some fires and closed some deals. Tomorrow is already shaping up to be a bear…

But it’s quitting time so you can just turn it all off and pick back up tomorrow. Not so much!

As leaders, we constantly struggle to manage the pressures of business without sacrificing the time we have for our families. It can seem impossible to leave the office and show up at home ready to be present and engaged.

4 Steps to a Better Life and a Better Business

Achieve What You Never Thought Possible

A business is simply an organization created to carry out the dreams and ideas of the entrepreneur who begins it. Everything good and everything bad about a business is a result of the leader’s perspective and actions. Everything rises and falls upon a leader. For a business to be healthy, balanced, and growing… the leader […]

#2: Discover Your Mission

And Get Busy Living

In the business world, we hear a lot about purpose statements and mission statements. The intention behind a mission statement is to create a meaningful and memorable phrase that summarizes the foundational ideals, core beliefs, or initiatives of the company. But these statements are more than just a phrase. When taken to heart, these statements […]

#1: The 3 Components for a Sustainable and Fulfilling Career

You'll make more money, build a better team and never burn out

So here is how it was for me.  I began my first business for one main reason, money!  At the time it never crossed my mind that there should be anything more than that, I mean why else would you work so hard, sacrifice so much time and take such risks unless for the money, […]